Having a good plan from start to finish is the secret to winning in chess. The following six steps will describe how you win a game of chess:
1. Obtain a Good Opening
The opening dictates the course of the whole play. Therefore, follow these basic principles:
- Control the center with pawns-very important: e4, d4, or similar.
- Develop your pieces your knights and bishops out.
- Thus, castle early to safeguard your king and connect your rooks.

2. Never Give Away Pieces for Free
Never be careless and leave your pieces unguarded. All pieces are vital, and the loss of any of them without giving away another in return gives a great advantage to your opponent. For every move, make sure your pieces are well-guarded or that you’re not giving away material without compensation.
3. Get Your Pieces in Position
Good positioning in chess means strong attacks. You need to get your knights, bishops, and rooks into active squares to put pressure on your opponent. Try not to have any pieces that are trapped or blocked in by pawns.
4. Coordinate an Attack against the King
The ultimate aim is to checkmate your opponent’s king. To do this:
- you must create threats in your favor by doubling up the rooks on open files.
- Employ bishops and knights to attack important squares around the opponent’s king.
- Set traps to put your opponent on the back foot.
5. Take Care of Your King’s Safety
While attacking, don’t forget your king. Keep him well-guarded, particularly in the middle game. The safety of your king behind the pawns and castling at the appropriate time decides the fate of your game.
6. Be a Good Sport Whatever Happens
Finally, win or lose, be a good sport. Chess is a respectful game; lots of patience is involved. Go over your mistakes, congratulate your opponent, and learn something new after each game.
By following these six steps, you will increase your chances of winning chess games while you enjoy the process of becoming a stronger player.